Welcome to VC English!  Please feel free to contact department chair Eric Martinsen at emartinsen@vcccd.edu with any questions.  

PART-TIME FACULTY HANDBOOK: Please review the college's handbook for adjunct instructors.

ENGLISH FACULTY RESOURCES:  The department's Faculty Resources page has useful links and critical information for all English faculty.

CANVAS: FACULTY RESOURCESInstructions to log into English Department Canvas Page

COURSE OUTLINE OF RECORD (COR): The COR has all the course content that should be covered in each class.  To access the COR for the class(es) you are assigned to teach, please following these steps:

  • Go to CurricuNet for Ventura College. No login is required to access the COR.
  • For Status, please select "Active." In the pulldown menu for Discipline, please select "ENGL - English." Click "OK."
  • Click on COR symbol in the left column under Actions to view the COR for each class.

BOOK ORDERS:  The first order of business as a new instructor on campus is to get book orders in as soon as possible.  We give faculty a lot of latitude in choosing their own textbooks, so please feel free to use a text (or texts) that have worked well for you in the past.  As soon as you are fully processed through HR, you'll be able to use the online book order form, but in the meantime, please email your book orders directly to SM8100@bncollege.com or call the bookstore at 805-289-6485.  Please be sure to include the CRN for the courses you are teaching.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) on Syllabus:  As with most California Communities Colleges, we are required by accreditation standards to list all course-level SLOs (CSLOs) on our syllabi.  View our CSLOs here

KEYS & CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY: Please pick up a key for your classroom at the division office (LRC 114) from Susana Alonso . To open the black box with the computer in each classroom, pick up a key to the black box at Information Technology Operations in the SCI Bldg,Floor 1. Each classroom is outfitted with a desktop computer, a digital projector, white boards and a document camera. 

COPIES:  Copy Net, the online job submission site for the Ricoh Copy Center, accepts requests for printing. For English classes, use the code 3445.  If you have questions, call (805) 289-6376.  You can then pick up your copies in the Ricoh Copy Center in the to the Learning Resource Center.

There is also a copier in the Faculty Resource Room at the very back of the BEACH (computer lab) as well as lots of PC/Mac computers with printers for faculty to use.  It is tricky to find the first time because there is a hallway you have to find that runs at an angle behind the restrooms in the back of the lab. Ask someone and they'll know. If a code is requested, use 3445.  

PARKING PERMIT: On your first day on campus, you will most likely need a temporary parking pass, which can be picked up at the Campus Police (71 Day Rd, Ventura, CA 93003). To order a STAFF permit, please follow the instructions provided here.

STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT: You will be notified by email each semester which Course SLOs (CSLOs) are being accessed and how to submit your results.  

ASSIGNMENT REQUEST FORM (ARF): Fill out an ARF on the portal (My.VCCCD.edu) as soon as possible for all available upcoming semesters. Meeting the ARF deadlines each semester is critical for being assigned classes, so please watch for email reminders.  The English department chair will also email to ask for your scheduling preferences in a less formal process.

How to access the Assignment Request Form via the District Portal

  • Go to http://my.vcccd.edu and login to the district portal.
  • When you arrive at the district portal, select the "Faculty" tab.
  • Under "Faculty Self Service" select "Submit ARF Requests."
  • Under the "Available Forms & Surveys" heading, select the VCCCD Assignment Request Form for the appropriate term. A fillable online form will then appear.

CANVAS: The college uses Canvas as its course management system (CMS). All courses have a course shell for web enhancing your class (please see Instructor Tutorials).  You may access this course website through My.VCCCD.edu under My Courses or login directly with your VCCCD username and password at vcccd.instructure.com.  

For English classes, these D2L shells include the Dropbox feature to accept essays online and, if selected, scan each essay through Turnitin to check for appropriate use of sources.  Please view this short video from the University of Wisconsin Whitewater for instructions on setting up Dropboxes as an instructor and using the Turnitin feature.

TURNITIN.COM: You may set up a separate Turnitin.com account for your class if you prefer.  Here is a QuickStart guide with detailed step-by-step instructions for setting up an account and using Turnitin.com. Briefly, just go to http://turnitin.com, and in the Log In area, click "Create Account." Then click the Instructor link.  Fill out the form as required. Contact your campus instructional tech for account ID and Join Password.

Here's a URL with more info on Turninin.com at VC: http://v9zr.yopin365.com/online-services/distance-education/faculty/faculty-resources/turnitin

AFT (Faculty Union): The website for the faculty union has the contract and lots of other info: http://www.aft1828.com.

Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSP&S/EAC): The Educational Assistance Center (EAC) promotes the educational and vocational potential of students with disabilities by supporting each student's integration into the mainstream of college life. Click here for a handout on universal design.

READING & WRITING CENTER: The Ventura College Reading and Writing Center is located in the Learning Center LRC-155 and assists students at all levels in acquiring foundational skills.

TUTORING: The Tutoring Center is dedicated to providing academic tutorial support for Ventura College students. The Center’s goal is to help make a student’s educational experience a successful one. Drop-in, group and individualized tutoring are available free of charge to all Ventura College students. Online 24/7 Tutoring is available to VC students. The Tutoring Center is located on the first floor of the  Library and Learning Resources building.

OFFICE HOURS: Adjunct faculty are not required to hold office hours at VC, largely because there is not enough office space.   The AFT contract states, "Non-contract faculty with .40 FTE or more of a full-time load shall be compensated for one student-advisement (office) hour per semester. Compensation shall be at the appropriate non-contract rate. Non-contract faculty may perform their student advisement hour(s) via internet."

FACULTY EVALUATION: According to the contract, "Non-Contract faculty shall be evaluated at least once during the first semester of employment with the District and at least once every six semesters thereafter."